pink bedroom graphic from

The first thing I know I have to tackle is my closet. The next being my outrageous shoe collection and the third being my multi-use bathroom. I am a walking women's cliche', I absolutely adore shoes. They are my weakness. I am also an avid consignment shopper plus as I mentioned in an earlier post, because of my size I always get the pickings from those kind folks who down size their wardrobes. And my bathroom is a multi purpose room, I don't even know why the girls have a bathroom because they seem to be so attracted to mine! To top it all off, my FDH is also just as much as ,if not more of a consignment junkie than I am so his closet will also need to be pared down, ( unbeknownst to him!)
When I envision my master bedroom as a married woman vs a single mom, I don't even know where to begin. Maybe you can help me. I am so used to my room being an end all be all for me and my girls. Everything starts and stops in mommy's room. So the concept of a two adult bedroom is very new to me. I know what I like but then I guess I have to let him add a little bit of his style and ideas to our room. All and all I need help with small room organization. I don't want a messy bedroom, but what do you do with limited space?? Storage is out of the question for me because I feel that if you put clothes away in storage for a while, then you may as well give them away because you aren't wearing them anyway.
I know I want a peaceful haven of relaxation, happiness, oneness, openness and feminine beauty in my master bedroom. I want it to be the place that we both look forward to spending quality time in. No not just for the physical, but for the complete oneness of our relationship. I want it to be holy and peaceful and fun. So I guess I will start by minimizing the clutter of my closest, and getting rid of all of the outfits that I haven't worn in like two full seasons. Maybe brighten it up and make it look cheerful. Take the bathroom and separate the hair bows, and half-empty bottles of all the different lotions and sprays that I have. I don't know where to start but I know I don't have much time, so I am soliciting advice from anyone who's willing to help!!!!! What minimum cost methods have you used for maximizing space and organization. ( besides rubbermaid bins ;), also what kind of decorating tips can you offer that blend both personalities in one room.