Children say the simplest, most funniest things. Over the weekend, we experienced weather in the 70's, then Monday it rained. Yesterday I woke my children up to a wonderful surprise, school was closed and it was snowing! They raised the blinds and shouts of cheer and joy were all I could hear. Mind you, I was not at all happy about school being closed, or at entertaining the idea of driving in the snow to work, but my daughters had the most candid conversation in the car, and it made me forget about all the grown-up worries that come with snow, traffic, and school closings. I could only just reflect in the awesome power of God who controls the weather along with my little simple life.
Below I give you the conversation between my daughters. My youngest loves to be called " "Chocolate Drop" and my oldest calls her self"Neenie Pooh". Half the time I can't remember what to call them so I call them Frick and Frak.
Anyway to make such a long story short, as I was dropping them off at daycare ( no snow day for mommy) they were on the phone with pa-pa telling him all about the snow. The conversation went something like this:
CD- "Is it raining at grannie and pa pa's house"
NP- "Nope , its only raining there"
CD- "Pa Pa ( yelling through the phone) I'm gonna call the news and tell the weather people to give ya'll some snow!"
CP- "It's not fair for you not to have snow. Mommy why can't the weather man give pa pa and grannie some snow, all they have to do is put that snow thing on the map?????? "
Needless to say, I corrected her letting her know that the snow comes from God, not the weather man, but still, its always nice to hear such a simple and honest explanation from a child's point of view...
Oh yeah , did I mention that it's in the high 60's today??? Only in Arkansas
Welcome To My Refuge Spot
Welcome Friends to my blog about single motherhood and living for God. I hope that you find my thoughts and musings thought provoking and in alignment with God's word. Thank you for visiting and please feel free to share your comments and pass the word along to others who you feel could be blessed!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Mouths Of Babes
from the mind of
A Marriage After His Heart
2:16 PM