Today I decided to take the day off from being a grown up and spend the day relaxing and bonding with my children. So often we single mothers neglect to synchronize our inner child and we become so engulfed by adult lives that we can neglect the little joys of life. Do you remember when life was so simple, before the cares and worries of this life?? Even Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:3 "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. What better way to keep this humbleness of mind and spirit than to once in a while surround ourselves with our children and come down to their level. Children live for the moment, not the to-do- list, or the must complete now or the world will end tasks that we as mothers let consume our lives. As a matter of fact, their existence is the very reason why we become so consumed with the stressfulness of parental responsibilities. Sometimes if we try to see things through the eyes of a child, we may receive a spiritual epiphany, a glorious Ah-Ha moment that can bring us closer to God, or give us instant edification. So let us remember to be like the child that Christ so ordered us to be. Take a day off to be silly, be simple, live for the moment and tune up that inner child before our children grow up and leave us struggling with memories.... Have a blessed weekend.
Welcome To My Refuge Spot
Welcome Friends to my blog about single motherhood and living for God. I hope that you find my thoughts and musings thought provoking and in alignment with God's word. Thank you for visiting and please feel free to share your comments and pass the word along to others who you feel could be blessed!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
My Inner Child
from the mind of
A Marriage After His Heart
11:28 AM
Labels: blessings, children, motherhood, thankfulness