Yesterday was my youngest daughters sixth birthday, and I was pretty down about not being able to do things that I wanted to do. Flat out, I felt like a horrible mother for not being able to do the things I wanted to do. I wanted to get up and have her favorite breakfast ready for her as a surprise but I overslept, I was exhausted!!! We were running late and the enemy started in on my mind telling me that " You asked God to help you in this area; now look at you" Well my faithful God sent me a scripture Psalms 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.
My God is still working with me, he is still perfecting me, and as long as he is perfecting me daily then I am a perfect mom. My daughter was okay with out having her favorite french toast sticks, she happily thanked me for her " Birthday cereal". As single mothers we have to trust in the Almighty God, we have to accept his compliments and his love as well as his chastisement. We can not let the enemy battle our mind with our imperfections, accepting his condemnation will not do anything but tire us out and dehydrate us from the spiritual water that we need to energize ourselves to take care of our families.. Besides do our children really care if about the mountains we make out of mole hills? I say nay, they are perfectly happy with birthday cereal!
Welcome To My Refuge Spot
Welcome Friends to my blog about single motherhood and living for God. I hope that you find my thoughts and musings thought provoking and in alignment with God's word. Thank you for visiting and please feel free to share your comments and pass the word along to others who you feel could be blessed!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Perfect Me O' Lord
from the mind of
A Marriage After His Heart
3:46 PM
Labels: encouragment, happiness, hope, victory