Forgive me in advance if I seem a little politically radical today. I didn't post yesterday because I was researching a topic that I have been burdened about the past 48 hours.
In light of all the recent news about the massive toy recalls and the dangerous chemicals and unsafe products being used to make them I had to ponder on the thought of are we as parents helping enable our children to a spirit of materialism? Are we as mothers, who have an animalistic instinct to protect our children, letting our guard of protection down by spoiling them with toys and "things" that are harming them not only physically, but mentally and most important spiritually??
As I sit and shudder of the thought of what type of bondage this time of year brings upon parents, and any other adult seeking to soothe the materialistic desire of a child by going into debt, not showing Christian stewardship to the less fortunate, greed, envy, covetousness and many other ungodly abominations, I wonder if God allows things like this to happen to shake our attention back to the reason for this season? Is he trying to let this country, (which was founded on spiritual principals and a need to worship God without reprove) know that he is not at all pleased with how we are creating generation after generation of materialistic children who covet everything they see?
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we should not buy our children toys and presents and shower them with love, I am simply saying that everything that we do for our children should empower them spiritually, educationally and naturally and not the instant gratification of playing with the next hot thing or to be bound by what I call the "Gotta Have, or Must Have spirit. " We have a God given responsibility to evoke and teach our children a sense of appreciation for gifts, a gratefulness of receiving something new, we should teach them to be good stewards of the blessings they receive and most importantly that any gift they receive is a blessing from God not an expectation!
I think it is so sad when I see children put a guilt trip on their parents for not having the newest toy. It hurts me to see the young and innocent equate love with gifts before they are even old enough to hold a conversation. It saddens me even more when parents are bound by their children's covetousness , greed and desire for materialism... If I am burdened about it, how is God feeling about it?? He must be so sad, so frustrated, so furious.....
I have to cry out to God in this area too.... Only recently did I have to sit down and accept the brutally honest truth that I have allowed my children to become entangled in the expectation of materialism, and I have allowed a seed of ungratefulness and greed to be planted in their hearts because they covet every new toy that is introduced. At one while every conversation would include "Mommy I want, or Mommy can you buy me?" One of my children even knew my paydays and would say when you get paid on this day can we go to the store? I knew then that my weakness as a single mother was trying to make up for the absence of the father figure by buying gifts and always buying things they wanted. I had to ask God and my children for forgiveness because this is not what mothering is all about, and was very unpleasing to God.
I (we) have a responsibility to dig out this seed before its roots anchor and plant seeds of gratefulness, and appreciation, and self worth even when you don't have what everyone else has. I have to teach my girls that not all toys are good for you, and I am glad that I have allowed them to follow the news with me about the recent toy recalls. It makes them grateful that mommy didn't buy that toy, and that we don't need it because it is not safe.
If you are guilty of this, don't let the devil beat you over the head with condemnation, simply ask God to forgive you for this, and to give you wisdom on how to buy those things that are desired by your children. Make sure that every toy or game you buy can be nurturing, and serve as practical applications and learning. For instance, one of my daughters wants her very own set of pots and pans, and a couple of new video games. I love the idea of the pots and pans, because it can be used as a practical and biblical application to her daily life for a lifetime. I may replace the video game with an online scripture or biblical game that she can play that will benefit her educationally and spiritually.
With God's help, we can do this. We don't have to raise a generation of children who's favorite words are I want or can I have? We can raise children who are selfless, who want to be good stewards and who realizes that every thing given to us above that which we need is an extra blessing from God. We can watch the news about dangerous toys and feel good in our soul that we don't have to fear for our children in this area. I encourage you to sit down with your children and inform them of what is going on around. Show them the signs of men pleasers, and of men being lovers of themselves and how this is not pleasing to God. Tell them to write a list of 5 items they can think of that will help them learn, and that are safe. Getting our children involved in this early will help them see the bondage and sin of being materialistic.
Let us all continue to pray earnestly about this and for the children who have been affected by these dangerous toys. Let us pray that God ( our Husband remember???) will choose the gifts he wants our children to have and that we will seek his guidance about the spirits behind and associated with the toys and games that are on the market. Ask him to help us protect our children from and not enable them to this bondage of materialism.
God Bless and Be encouraged!
Welcome To My Refuge Spot
Welcome Friends to my blog about single motherhood and living for God. I hope that you find my thoughts and musings thought provoking and in alignment with God's word. Thank you for visiting and please feel free to share your comments and pass the word along to others who you feel could be blessed!
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Bondage of Materialism and The Safety of Our Children!
from the mind of
A Marriage After His Heart
9:05 AM
Labels: children, motherhood, Trapped